Kornberg Lab

Cinque Terre


Date Description Authors PDF
2016 Cells must express components of the planar cell polarity system and extracellular matrix to support cytonemes. Elife. pii: e18979. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18979. PMID: 27591355 Huang H, Kornberg TB. PDF
2016 Bicoid gradient formation and function in the Drosophila pre-syncytial blastoderm eLIFE: DOI: dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.13222. Ali-Murthy, Z. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2015 Developmental compartments in the larval trachea of Drosophila eLIFE;4:e08666. DOI: 10.7554/eLife08666. PMID:26491942 Rao, P.R., Lin, L., Huang, H., Guha, A., Roy, S. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2015A naturally monomeric infrared fluorescent protein for protein labeling in vivo. Nat Methods. 12:763-5 PMID: 26098020; PMCID: PMC4521985 Yu D, Baird MA, Allen JR, Howe ES, Klassen MP, Reade A, Makhijani K, Song Y, Liu S, Murthy Z, Zhang SQ, Weiner OD, Kornberg TB, Jan YN, Davidson MW, Shu X. PDF
2015 Nanotubes in the niche Nature. 523, 292-3. PMID:26131936 Kornberg, T.B. and Gilboa, L. PDF
2015 Myoblast cytonemes mediate Wg signaling from the wing imaginal disc and Delta-Notch signaling to the air sac primordium eLIFE;4:e06114. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.06114. PMID: 25951303 Huang, H. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2015 Paracrine signaling mediated at cell-cell contacts Bioessays 37, 25-33. DOI: 10.1002/bies.201400122. PMID: 25476066 Roy, S. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2014 Cytonemes and the dispersion of morphogens WIREs Dev. Biol. Doi: 10.1002/wdev.151. PMID: 25186102; PMC4199865 Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2014 The contrasting roles of primary cilia and cytonemes in Hh signaling Dev. Biol. 394, 1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.07.015. PMID: 25072627; PMC163518 Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2014 Hedgehog and its circuitous journey from producing to target cells Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 33, 52-62 PMID: 24994598 Guerrero, I and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2014 An improved infrared fluorescent protein useful for neuron and brain imaging Nat Commun. 5, 3626. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4626. PMID: 24832154; PMC4077998 Yu, D., Gustafson, W., Han, C, Lafaye, C., Noirclerc-Savoye, M., Ge, W-P., Thayer, D., Huang, H., Kornberg, T.B., Royant, A., Jan, L., Jan, Y-N, Weiss, W., and X. Shu PDF
2014 Communicating by touch – neurons are not alone Trends Cell Bio., 24, 370-376. PMID: 24560610; PMC4037336 Kornberg, T.B. and S. Roy PDF
2014 Cytonemes as specialized filopodia Development, 141, 729-736. PMID: 24496611; PMC3912825 Kornberg, T.B. and S. Roy PDF
2014 Cytoneme-mediated contact-dependent transport of the Drosophila Decapentaplegic signaling protein Science, 343, 1244624 (doi: 10.1126/science.1244624). PMID: 24385607; PMC43361497 Roy, S., Huang, H., Liu, SM and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2013 Microarray Comparison of Anterior and Posterior Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc Cells Identifies Novel Wing Genes G3. 3, 1353-62. PMID: 23749451; PMC3737175 Ibrahim, D.M., Biehs, B., Kornberg, T.B. and Klebes, A. PDF
2013 Cytonemes extend their reach EMBO J. 32, 1658-9. PMID: 23673359; PMC3680737 Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2013 An essential role for zygotic expression in the pre-cellular Drosophila embryo PLoS Genetics 9, e1003428. PMID: 23593026; PMC3616919 Ali-Murthy, Z., Lott, S.E., Eisen, M.B. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2012 The imperatives of context and contour on morphogen dispersion Biophys. J. 103, 2252-2256. PMID: 23283223; PMC3514522 Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2012 Expression and characterization of Drosophila signal peptide peptidase-like (sppL), a gene that encodes an intramembrane protease PLoS One 7, e33827. PMID: 22439002; PMC3306293 Casso, D.J., Liu, S., Biehs, B. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2011 Barcoding Hedgehog for intracellular transport Sci. Signal. 4, pe44. PMID: 22114141; PMC4337800 Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2011 Direct delivery mechanisms of morphogen dispersion Sci. Signal. 4, pt8. PMID: 22114143 Roy, S. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2011 Specificity of Drosophila Cytonemes for Distinct Signaling Pathways Science, 332, 354-358. PMID: 21493861; PMC3109072 Roy, S., Hsiung, F. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2011 A novel interaction between hedgehog and Notch promotes proliferation at the AP organizer of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc Genetics, 187, 485-499. PMID: 21098717; PMC3030491. Casso, D.J., Biehs, B. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2010 Hedgehog targets in the Drosophila embryo and the mechanisms that generate tissue-specific outputs of Hedgehog signaling Development, 17, 3887-98. PMC3049281 Biehs, B., Kechris, D., Liu, SM and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2010 Generalizing Moving Averages for Tiling Arrays Using Combined P-Value Statistics Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol., 9, Epub. PMC2942027. Kechris, K., Biehs,B. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2010 The Chromatin Remodeling Protein Osa Interacts with CyclinE in Drosophila Eye Imaginal Discs Genetics, 184, 731-44. PMC2845341 Baig, J., Chanut, F., Kornberg, T.B. and Klebes, A. PDF
2009 Regulation of Drosophila matrix metalloprotease Mmp2 is essential for wing imaginal disc:trachea association and air sac tubulogenesis Dev. Biol., 335, 317-26. PMC2784283 Guha, A., Lin, L. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2008 Two Patched protein subtypes and a conserved domain of Group I proteins that regulates turnover J. Biol. Chem., 283, 30964-9. PMC2576558 Kawamura, S., Hervold, K., Ramirez-Weber, F.-A. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2008 Organ renewal and cell divisions by differentiated cells in Drosophila Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 105, 10832-36. PMID: 18664581; PMC2504775 Guha, A., Lin, L. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2008 A screen for modifiers of Hedgehog signaling identifies swm and mts Genetics, 178, 1399-1413. PMID: 18245841; PMC2278107 Casso, D.J., Liu, S., Iwaki, D.D., Ogden, S.K., and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2007 Understanding morphogen gradients: a problem of dispersion and containment Curr Opin Genet Dev 17, 264-71. PMID: 1763982; PMC1993832 Kornberg, T.B. and A. Guha PDF
2006 The C-terminal tail of the Hedgehog receptor Patched regulates both localization and turnover Genes and Development, 18, 2539-51. PMC1578677 Lu, X., Liu, S., and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2006 Smoothened regulates activator and repressor functions of Hedgehog signaling via two distinct mechanisms J Biol Chem. 281, 7237-43. PMID: 16423832 Ogden, S.K., Casso, D.J., Ascano, M. Jr, Yore, M.M., Kornberg, T.B. and Robbins, D.J. PDF
2005 Dependence of wing imaginal disc cytonemes on Decapentaplegic Nature, 437, 560-563. PMID: 16177792 Hsiung, F., Ramirez-Weber, F.-A., Iwaki, D. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2005 Tracheal branch repopulation precedes induction of the Drosophila dorsal air sac primordium Dev. Biol., 287, 192-200. PMID: 16198330 Guha, A. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2005 Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and lama genes Development, 132, 3753-3765. PMID: 16077094 Klebes, A., Sustar, A., Maves, L., Kechris, K., Li, H., Schubiger, G. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2005 Drosophila signal peptide peptidase is an essential protease for larval development Genetics. 170, 139-148. PMID: 15716490 Casso, D.J., Tanda, S., Biehs, B., Martoglio,B. and T.B. Kornberg PDF
2003 Human BOULE gene rescues meiotic defects in infertile flies Hum Mol Genet 12, 169-175. Xu, E.Y., Lee, D.F., Klebes, A., Turek, P.J., Kornberg, T.B., Reijo-Pera, R.A. PDF
2002 FGF is an essential mitogen and chemoattractant for the air sacs of the Drosophila tracheal system Develop. Cell 3,195-207. Sato, M. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2002 Expression profiling of Drosophila imaginal discs Genome Biology 3, 1-16. Klebes, A., Biehs, B,. Cifuentes, F., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2002 Another arrow in the Drosophila quiver Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 9607-9608 Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2000 Signaling Reaches to New Dimensions in Drosophila Imaginal Discs Cell 103, 189-192. Ramírez-Weber, F.-A. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2000 Dm1-MMP, a matrix metalloproteinase from drosophila with a potential role in extracellular matrix remodeling during neural development J. Biol. Chem. 275, 35978-35985. Llano, E., Pendas, A., Aza-Blanc, P., Kornberg, T.B. and Lopez-Otin, C. PDF
2000 On the range of Hedgehog signaling Cur. Opin. Genet. Dev. 10, 515-22. Chuang, P-T. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2000 Functional Studies of the BTB Domain in the Drosophila GAGA and Mod(mdg4) Proteins Nucleic Acids Res. 28, 3864-70. Read, D., Butte, M.J., Dernburg, A.F., Frasch, M. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2000 Expression of the vertebrate Gli proteins in Drosophila reveals a distribution of activator and repressor activities Development 127, 4293-301. Aza-Blanc, P., Lin, H.-Y., Ruiz i Altaba, A., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2000 Hedgehog signal transduction in the posterior compartments of Drosophila wing imaginal discs Molec. Cell 6, 479-85.. Ramírez-Weber, F.-A., Casso, D., Aza-Blanc, P., Tabata, T. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
2000 The Drosophila genome sequence: implications for biology and medicine Science 287, 2218-20. Kornberg, T.B. and Krasnow, M.A. PDF
1999 GFP-tagged balancer chromosomes for Drosophila melanogaster Mech. of Development 88, 229-232. Casso, D., Ramírez-Weber, F.-A., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1999 Ci, a complex transducer of the Hedgehog signal Trends in Genetics 15, 458-462. Aza-Blanc, P. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1999 Cytonemes: cellular processes that project to the principal signaling center in Drosophila imaginal discs Cell 97, 599-607. Ramírez-Weber, F.-A. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1997 Daughters against dpp modulates dpp organizing activity in Drosophila wing development Nature 389, 627-631. Tsuneizumi, K. Nakayama, T., Kamoshida, Y., Kornberg, T.B., Christian, J.L. and Tabata, T. PDF
1997 Proteolysis inhibited by Hedgehog directs Cubitus interruptus protein to the nucleus and changes its activity as a transcription regulator Cell 89, 1043-1053. Aza-Blanc, P., Ramírez-Weber, F.-A., Laget, M.-P., Schwartz, C., and Kornberg. T.B. PDF
1996 Phosphorylation of the fused protein kinase in response to signaling from hedgehog Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 93:4224-4228. Thérond, P., Knight, J.D., Kornberg, T.B., and Bishop, J.M. PDF
1996 Reduction of transcription by homolog asynapsis in Drosophila imaginal discs Nature 381, 807-810. Goldsborough, A.G. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1996 The Drosophila engrailed and invected genes: partners in regulation, expression and function Genetics 142, 893-906. Gustavson, E., Goldsborough, A.S., Ali, Z., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1995 Creating a Drosophila wing de novo, the role of engrailed, and the compartment border hypothesis Development 121, 3359-3369. Tabata, T., Schwartz, C., Gustavson, E., Ali, Z., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1995 Isolation and characterization of the Drosophila 110 gene, a target of engrailed regulation Mech. of Development 53, 185-195. Saenz-Robles, M.T., Maschat, F., Scott, M.P. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1995 Analysis of the genes involved in organizing the tail segments of the Drosophila melanogaster embryo Mech. of Development 53, 3-14. Kuhn, D.T., Turenchalk, G., Mack, J.A., Packert, G. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1995 Expression and targeting of Syrian hamster prion protein induced by heat shock in Drosophila melanogaster Mech. of Development 51, 317-328. Raeber, A.J., Muramoto, T., Kornberg, T.B., and Prusiner, S.B. PDF
1995 Phosphorylation of the Drosophila engrailed protein at a site outside its homeodomain enhances DNA binding J. Biol. Chem. 270, 11130-11139 Bourbon, H., Martin-Blanco, E., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1995 polyhomeotic is a target of engrailed regulation in Drosophila Development 121, 1691-1703. Serrano, N., Demeret, C., Dura, J.M., Brock, H.W., Kornberg, T.B., and Maschat, F. PDF
1995 Regulating posterior compartment development involves repression of cubitus interruptus expression by the engrailed protein Development 121, 1625-1635. Schwartz, C., Nishida, C. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1994 Allele-specific amplification of Drosophila engrailed and invected transcripts Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 12696-700. Goldsborough, A.S. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1994 blistered: a gene required for vein/intervien formation in wings of Drosophila Development 120, 2661-2671. Fristrom, D., Gotwals, P., Eaton, S., Kornberg, T.B., Sturtevant, M., Bier, E., and Fristrom, J.W. PDF
1994 Hedgehog is a signaling protein with a key role in patterning Drosophila imaginal discs Cell 76, 89-102. Tabata, T. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1993 DR-78, a novel Drosophila melanogaster genomic DNA fragment highly homologous to the DNA-binding domain of thryroid hormone-retinoic acid-vitamin D receptor subfamily Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 1216, 339-341. Martín-Blanco, E. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1993 Isolation of cDNAs encoding the Drosophila GAGA transcription factor Molec. Cell. Biol. 13, 7961-7970. Soeller, W.J., Oh, C.E., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1993 Understanding the homeodomain J. Biol. Chem. 268, 26813-26816. Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1993 Segmentation of the Drosophila embryo Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 3, 585-593 Kornberg, T.B. and Tabata, T. PDF
1992 The Drosophila hedgehog gene is expressed specifically in posterior compartment cells and is a target of engrailed regulation Genes and Development 6, 2635-2645. Tabata, T. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1992 Development of the D melanogaster caudal segments involves suppression of the ventral regions of A8, A9, and A10, and inversion of A9 and A10. Development. 116, 11-20. Kuhn, D.T., Sawyer, M., Ventimiglia, J., Packert, G., Turenchalk, G., Mack, J.A., Sprey, Th.E., Gustavson, E., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1991 MYB and MYC in the cell cycle Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. LVI, 99-107. Bishop, J.M., Eilers, M., Katzen, A.L., Kornberg, T.B., Ramsay, G., and Schirm, S. Not Avalible
1990 Expression during Drosophila development of der, a gene related to erbB-1 and neu: correlations with mutant phenotypes Devel. Biol. 145, 287-301. Katzen, A.L., Kornberg, T., and Bishop, J.M. PDF
1991 A gene related to the proto-oncogene fps/fes is expressed at diverse times during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster Molec. Cell. Biol., 11, 226-239. Katzen, A.L., Montarras, D., Jackson, J., Paulson, R.F., Kornberg, T., and Bishop, J.M. PDF
1990 Crystal structure of an engrailed homeodomain/DNA complex at 26 Å resolution: a framework for understanding homeodomain/DNA interactions. Cell 63, 579-590. Kissinger, C.R., Liu, B., Martin-Blanco, E., Kornberg, T.B., and Pabo, C.O. PDF
1990 Diverse expression of dsrc29A, a gene related to src, during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster Development 110, 1169-1183. Katzen, A.L., Kornberg, T., and Bishop, J.M. PDF
1990 Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of the engrailed homeodomain and of an engrailed homeodomain DNA complex Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 171, 257-259. Liu, B., Kissinger, C.R., Pabo, C.O., Martin-Blanco, E., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1990 Repression of ci-D in posterior compartments of Drosophila by engrailed Genes and Dev. 4, 1068-1077. Eaton, S. and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1991 engrailed, a gene for all segments in Molecular Mechanisms in Cellular Growth and Differentiation., ed. Bellve, A.R. and H.J. Vogel. 267-278. Kornberg, T., Hama, C., Gay, N., and Poole, S. Not Avalible
1990 Region-specific recombination and expression are directed by portions of the Drosophila engrailed promoter Genes and Dev. 4, 1079-1093. Hama, C., Ali, Z., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1989 Expression of engrailed proteins in arthropods, annelids, and chordates Cell, 58, 955-968. Patel, N.H., Martin-Blanco, E., Coleman, K., Poole, S., Ellis, M.C., Kornberg, T.B., and Goodman, C.S. PDF
1989 Expression of engrailed during segmentation in grasshopper and crayfish Development, 107, 201-212. Patel, N.H., Kornberg, T.B., and Goodman, C.S. PDF
1989 Early engrailed Expression in the Drosophila Embryo Development, 105, 605-612. Karr, T., Weir, M.P., Ali, Z. and Kornberg, T. PDF
1989 Patterns of fushi tarazu protein expression in the cellular blastoderm of Drosophila detected using a novel imaging technique Development, 105, 95-103. Karr, T. and Kornberg, T. PDF
1988 The Drosophila engrailed Protein is Post-translationally Phosphorylated by a Serine Specific Protein Kinase Nucleic Acids Res., 16(14A), 6637-6647. Gay, N.J., Poole, S., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1988 Association of the Drosophila engrailed protein with specific soluble nuclear protein complexes EMBO J. 7, 4291-4298. Gay, N.J., Poole, S.J., and Kornberg, T.B. PDF
1988 New Patterns of engrailed RNA in Drosophila Embryos Injected with Cycloheximide Genes and Development, 2, 1194-1203. Weir, M.P., Edgar, B.A., Kornberg, T. and Schubiger, G. PDF
1988 Modifying expression of the engrailed gene of Drosophila melanogaster in Mechanisms of Segmentation. The Company of Biologists, Cambridge. eds French, V.Ingham, P., Cooke, J., and Smith, J. 104 Supp. 85-93. Poole, S. and Kornberg, T. Not Avalible
1988 In vitro Transcription of the Drosophila engrailed Locus Genes and Development. 2, 68-81. Soeller, W.C., Poole, S.J., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1987 The Transcription Unit of the Drosophila engrailed Locus: An Unusually Small Portion of a 70,000 bp Gene EMBO J, 6, 2803-2809. Drees, B., Ali, Z., Soeller, Coleman, Poole and Kornberg, T. PDF
1987 The invected Gene of Drosophila: Sequence Analysis and Expression Studies Reveal a Close Kinship to the engrailed Gene Genes and Development 1, 19-28. Coleman, K., Poole, S., Weir, M., Soeller, W., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1986 Repression and Turnover Pattern fushi tarazu RNA in the Early Drosophila Embryo Cell 47, 747-754. Edgar, B.A., Weir, M.P., Schubiger, G., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1985 Proto-oncogenes of Drosophila melanogaster Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 50, 727-31 Bishop, J.M., Drees, B., Katzen, A.L., Kornberg, T.B. and Simon, M.A. Not Avalible
1985 Patterns of engrailed and fushi tarazu Transcripts Reveal Novel Intermediate Stages in Drosophila Segmentation Nature 318, 433-439. Weir, M.P. and Kornberg, T. PDF
1985 The engrailed Locus of Drosophila melanogaster Provides an Essential Zygotic Function in Pre-cellular Embryos Cell 43, 591-601. Karr, T.L., Ali, Z., Drees, B., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1985 Expression During Embryogenesis of a Mouse Gene With Sequence Homology to the Drosophila engrailed Gene Cell 43, 29-37. Joyner, A., Kornberg, T., Coleman, K., Cox, D., and Martin, G. PDF
1985 Structure and Expression of Two Classes of Mammalian Homeo-box-containing Genes Cold Spring Harb Symp. Quant. Biol. Vol. 50, pp. 291-300. Joyner, A., Hauser, C., Kornberg, T., Tijian, R., and Martin, G. Not Avalible
1985 The engrailed Locus of Drosophila melanogaster: Genetic, Developmental, and Molecular Studies Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 50, 229-233. Ali, Z., Drees, B., Coleman, K., Gustavson, E., Karr, T., Kauvar, L., Poole, S., Soeller, W., Weir, M., and Kornberg, T. Not Avalible
1985 Proto-Oncogenes of Drosophila melanogaster Cold Spring Harb Symp. Quant. Biol. 50, 727-731. Bishop, M., Drees, B., Katzen, A., Kornberg, T., and Simon, M. Not Avalible
1985 The Nucleotide Sequence and the Tissue-Specific Expression of Drosophila c-src Cell 42, 831-840. Simon, M., Drees, B., Kornberg, T., and Bishop, M. PDF
1985 Molecular Cloning of engrailed: A Gene Involved in the Development of Pattern in Drosophila melanogaster Cell 42, 309-316. Kuner, J., Nakanishi, M., Ali, Z., Drees, B., Gustavson, E., Theis, J., Kauvar, L., Kornberg, T., and O'Farrell, P. PDF
1985 Isolation of the proto-oncogene c-myb from D melanogaster. Cell 41, 449-456. Katzen, A.L., Kornberg, T.B., and Bishop, J.M. PDF
1985 The engrailed Locus of Drosophila: In Situ Localization of Transcripts Reveals Compartment-Specific Expression Cell 40, 45-53. Kornberg, T., Siden, I., O'Farrell, P., and Simon, M. PDF
1985 The engrailed Locus of Drosophila: Structural Analysis of an Embryonic Transcript Cell 40, 37-43. Poole, S., Kauvar, L.M., Drees, B., and Kornberg, T. PDF
1983 Three Loci Related to the src Oncogene and Tyrosine-Specific Protein Kinase Activity in Drosophila Nature 302, 837-839. Simon, M., Kornberg, T. and Bishop, M. PDF
1983 Small Nuclear Transcription and Ribonucleoprotein Assembly in the Early Xenopus Embryo J. Cell Biol. 97, 62-72. Forbes, D., Kornberg, T. and Kirschner, M. PDF
1983 The Phenotype of engrailed Mutations in the Antenna of Drosophila Develop. Biol., 99, 27-33. Morata, G., Kornberg, T. and Lawrence, P. PDF
1981 Compartments in the Abdomen of Drosophila and the Role of the engrailed Locus Develop. Biol. 86, 363-372. Kornberg, T. PDF
1981 Activation of the Major Heat-Shock Genes in vitro Cell 25, 671-681. Craine, B.L. and Kornberg, T. PDF
1981 Transcription of the Major Drosophila Heat-Shock Genes in vitro Biochemistry 20, 6584-6588. Craine, B.L. and Kornberg, T. PDF
1981 engrailed: A Gene Controlling Compartment and Segment Formation in Drosophila Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 1095-1099. Kornberg, T. PDF
1975 Studies on the in vitro Replication of the Escherichia coli Chromosome In DNA Synthesis and Its Regulation, M. Goulian, P. Hanawalt, and C.F. Fox, eds., W.A. Benjamin, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, pp. 296-302. Kornberg, T. Not Avalible
1974 Replication of the Escherichia coli Chromosome with a Soluble Enzyme System Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 71, 3189-3193. Kornberg, T., Lockwood, A., and Worcel, A. PDF
1974 Bacterial DNA Polymerases In The Enzymes, Vol, X, Boyer, ed., Academic Press, New York, pp. 119-144. Kornberg, T., and Kornberg, A. Not Avalible
1974 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase III (Escherichia coli K12) In Methods in Enzymology, XXIX, Part E, L. Grossman and K. Moldave, eds., Academic Press, New York, pp.22-26. Kornberg, T., and Gefter, M.L. Not Avalible
1973 DNA Polymerases II and III of Escherichia coli: Their Isolation and Characterization Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, New York. Kornberg, T.B. Not Avalible
1973 Studies on DNA Polymerases II and III of Escherichia coli In DNA Synthesis in vitro, R.D. Wells and R.B. Inman, eds. University Park Press, Baltimore, pp. 71-82. Gefter, M.L., Kornberg, T., Molineux, I.J., Khorana, H.G., Mendich, L., and Hirota, Y. Not Avalible
1972 A DNA-Unwinding Protein Isolated from Escherichia coli: Its Interaction with DNA and with DNA Polymerases Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 69, 3537-3541. Sigal, N., Delius, H., Kornberg, T., Gefter, M.L., and Alberts, B. PDF
1972 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Cell-Free Extracts: Purification and Catalytic Properties of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase III J. Biol. Chem. 247, 5369-5375. Kornberg, T., and Gefter, M.L. PDF
1972 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Cell-Free Extracts: Catalytic Properties of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase II J. Biol. Chem. 247, 3321-3326. Gefter, M.L., Molineux, I.J., Kornberg, T., and Khorana, H.G. PDF
1971 Analysis of Polymerase II and III in Mutants of Escherichia coli Thermosensitive for DNA Synthesis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 3150-3153. Gefter, M.L., Hirota, Y., Kornberg, T., Wechsler, J.A. and Barnoux, C. PDF
1971 Purification and DNA Synthesis in Cell-Free Extracts: Properties of DNA Polymerase II Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 761-764. Kornberg, T., and Gefter, M.L. PDF
1970 DNA Synthesis in Cell-Free Extracts of a DNA Polymerase-Defective Mutant Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 40, 1348-1355. Kornberg, T., and Gefter, M.L. PDF